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River Rapids Inn
Overlooking the beauty of the Niagara River and located close to Niagara's Tourist Area, River Rapids Inn provides the perfect starting point for walks along the Niagara Gorge and to these town-related landmarks. The WEGO shuttle system is just a few steps away to giving you direct access to the Falls and many local sites. A unique and fresh site offering 92 beautifully appointed guests rooms with free wifi await you at the RRI. River Rapids Inn was created to offer the maximum comfort to its clients. The rooms are spacious, furnished and decorated in a modern style which allows the perfect use of space. Additionally, the warm colors of the walls create a great welcoming atmosphere. River Rapids enters in the 2.5 star category. While you are here enjoy our indoor pool and sauna after a day of sightseeing for relaxation.....


DANIMA re-developed our Reservations System to make a more streamlined, user-friendly system to book online at the wonderful River Rapids Inn in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Web Development

DANIMA worked closely with General Manger, Donna, to get a simple, intuitive web site up for her beautiful property on River Road in Nagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Print Design

From signage and rack cards to tent cards, the DANIMA Team has helped create branded traditional marketing materials for the River Rapids Inn