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Rapid Response Event Services
Rapid Response Event Services was established in 2016 and strives to be the preferred vendor in the industry providing event medical services in the Golden Horseshoe area and expanding.

Rapid Response EMS (Event Medical Services) and Rapid Response ESS (Event Security Services) operates under the umbrella company of Rapid Response Event Services providing our medical and security teams. Their medics are capable of handling any type of event from 2,000 people to well over 250,000 people. Their goal has always been to differentiate ourselves by using a set of operating core values.

Visit their site at


DANIMA spent several months creating a system that allows management and administration the ability to schedule upcoming shifts, track event requirements and staffing needs. Also allows staff to track their own work schedule, and apply for work shifts that best suit their needs. 2:36 The system also has client-centered reporting, such as incident reporting and inventory management.

Web Development

The DANIMA Team has been working with Rapid Response on growing the site that was built for them by our team last year. After designing their new logo the site was updated to reflect the growth of the business.

Print Design

The DANIMA Design team worked with Rapid Responses original logo and then when the company expanded we created a new logo that encompasses their 2 divisions.